MHP Winter 2020-2021 Updates

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I settle into my desk chair, steam curling above the hot coffee in my hands. It smells inviting. My brain is already anticipating the hit of caffeine that will jump start it awake. I shift the cup to my left hand while the right reflexively reaches for the on button on my computer. The middle finger easing into the divot on the button. I take a savoring sip as I press and hold the button until the keyboard lights up…alive with possibility. As the caffeine floods my system, my mind starts to race…what will I accomplish today? The list on my white board is long. I click on the swirling colors of the Google Chrome app, take another sip of coffee, and….”MOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMM!!!!! Rita won’t share the red crayon!!!!!”

Things are looking a little different over here in the Hoffer Household. I always work from home when I am not physically taking pictures on location…so, about 95% of the time. Normally, I have 3 days during the week completely alone. These are my focus days. I work from 8am-5pm and then again from 7pm-10pm Monday, Tuesday & Thursday. These are the days when the magic happens…the photos get edited, the blogs get written, the posts get scheduled, emails get answered, timelines written and website updated. ALL THE THINGS. Then, on the weekends, I shoot weddings, portrait sessions, organize, scout locations, create videos, and other odds and ends. Tuesdays and Fridays are family days where I focus completely on all the things that keep a 6-person family running.

Well, as of late, with COVID numbers on the rise, the older boys have been doing their High School learning virtually…not so difficult…they are uber independent. Marc is also working from home…has been since the shut-down. While I wasn’t used to having people at home with me to interrupt my flow, it has been more of a joy than a hinderance to spend extra time around some of my favorite people on Earth.

Insert, Finn and Rita’s daycare shut down (also some of my favorite people on Earth, of course). This hit us hard. They shut down for a day to clean and assess after a teacher had a positive Covid-19 test and gave us the option to take a week off without penalty…which we took. So, for the past week we have been all trying to get work/school done with a 2&4-year-old in the house. For those of you who know any 2 or 4 -year-olds, you know that not much is getting done except messy art projects, getting another cup of milk….and now water….and help me in the bathroom….and I want to go outside….help me build a pirate ship….and well, you get the idea. It has been hard. All 6 of us are trying to make life happen in our little house together.

We have been taking this week to consider pulling the littles out of daycare completely over the winter just to be safe. I’ll be honest, we are leaning towards that decision though it’s not set in stone yet. The big kids go back to in-person learning next week but we all know that may not last.

Here’s the thing: I love my kids immensely. But, I also had big plans for this winter and I’m a little heartbroken. I had planned on putting the final touches on my first Seeing the Light course offering this winter to launch early next year. Guys, it’s so lovely. I’m so excited about it. It’s going to help so many people. But, I’m going to have to push the timeline back….again. I may even have to change the scope and focus. I can’t pretend I’m not upset about it. If you’ve been following me and especially if you’ve signed up for emails, you know I have big plans coming down the pike. It’s just not going to happen as soon as I wanted. And, that’s…okay. Yes, I’m a little discouraged. But, I also have this gift of time with my kids. And I, especially, know that it goes so fast. I have one with a new driver’s license and one with a new box of crayons. IT GOES BY SO FAST.

It’s not the first time I have had to push plans back for the kids. Remember Rita’s pregnancy announcement? The year Rita was born was supposed to be my “big” year of weddings…the year I would advertise and increase my numbers and better my workflow. As excited as I was about her joining our family to complete it, I was a little upset I would have to slow down my drive. It all worked out. I had my big year the next year. I’m sure it will work out again.

If you are waiting for my new course offering, I’m sorry. It’s going to be a little longer. It’s probably going to be even better because of it too….that’s how these things work.

Until then, I’ll keep on sending out oodles of photography tips to your inbox and maybe I’ll even put together some free resources for you to take advantage of in the meantime. Regular social media and blog posts may come sporadically….when I have time. This is life right now and I’m rolling with it. Taking one step at a time and trying to enjoy the experience.

Thank you for being here with me on this journey. It’s been a long, hard road and the bumps keep on coming. But, what fun would it be if it was all smooth sailing anyway?

Be well. Be safe. And send me all the positive energy you can muster. It’s going to be a long, crazy winter over here if we do end up keeping Finn and Rita home for a few months. And, if it takes a little longer for me to respond to you, I apologize in advance. Things will get back to my normal super-fast response-time in the spring. I’m here still loving having you as part of the family and doing my best to provide you with all I have to give.

We will get through this together!

Xo - Megan

**If you need help with organization, Mike Vardy is a master at theming days to help you focus.


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